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Current FAA Officers 

President                             Ms. Velvalane Campos

VP Program                        Maria "Chuchi" Guernsey

VP Membership                   Sheena Clarke

VP Financial                       Dr. Jocelyn "Jo" Galang-Ray

VP Public Relations              Rebecca Valerio Stutsman


Secretary                            Dawn Marie Herras

Treasurer                            Rachelle Cruz-Williams

Auditor                              Dr. Teresa Dormitorio

Asst. Secretary/Auditor        Susanna Medina

Public Relations Officers       Zandy Abano

                                        Mary Jane Schreiver

                                        Vivian Pedrozo

Sergeant-of-Arms                Roxwell Aquino

                                        Raul Pedrozo

                                        Ray Fowler     


Youth Representative          Janine Abano                      

Founder & First FAA President
CPT Dom Manio (US Army, ret) & Mrs. Hildagine M. Manio Founder and 1st President FAA Columbus GA 
Current to Past President & Advisors
Not all past Presidents and advisors are pictured here.
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